Tribeca Cafè

TriBeCa is a neighborhood in lower Manhattan, New York. Its name is an acronym of Triangle Below Canal Street. TriBeCa originated thanks to the activity of a group of artists searching for low cost housing and studio space, when SoHo had already become out of reach.
The warehouses and commercial architecture converted into lofts attracted celebrities whose luxury apartments made TriBeCa into a fashionable residential area: Kate Winslet, Mariah Carey, Harvey Keitel, David Letterman…
Robert De Niro contributed twice to re-launch the new spirit of TriBeCa: in the ‘90s as the co-owner of the legendary TriBeCa Grill Restaurant and, after 9/11, with the TriBeCa Film Festival, dedicated to independent cinema.
Tribeca Café in Rome offers the same pleasant and relaxed atmosphere that you could find in a typical Manhattan café: the brick architecture and the whitewashed walls, dark parquet floors and wooden furniture, art and photography books, magazine and newspaper racks …
Seats 55 for a fantastic culinary voyage between Rome and New York.
Gianfranco and Alberto manage this corner of art and food in their innovative and personal style, characterized by attention to the client and the care dedicated to the dishes: this is why Tribeca Café has been highly regarded by Il Gambero Rosso as well as the prestigious Louis Vuitton City Guide.
Chef Ernesto Danese is a guarantee of quality and elegance in dishes such as: maltagliati ricotta di bufala e fiori di zucca, fettuccine con verdurine, guanciale croccante e ricotta salata; insalata con pollo, avocado, grana, bufala e salmone affumicato; semifreddo al croccante di nocciole…
The pairing of Italian taste and New York appeal is best expressed in the morning, when one can choose a traditional Italian breakfast, with cornetti hot from the oven, eaten at the table in a relaxed atmosphere and with no overcharge, or the express made, delicious dishes of the typical American Breakfast, served in a charming place, quite unique in the whole Eternal City.
On request, the Tribeca Café can open its doors to private dinners and organize superb and successful parties.